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Registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats

Here on Back Acre Homestead we're in the early stages of a Nigerian Dwarf Goat breeding program. We first became interested in goats for their dairy qualities, but we soon realized that their bright minds and mischievous personalities made them more pets than livestock.

Goats are extremely social herd animals and should never be housed on their own, however I have seen goats living happily with everything from pigs to small horses, so you don't necessarily need two goats. If your interest is in a single doe for dairying purposes and you have no other livestock, you could consider a wether (neutered male) as a companion for her. Male goats neutered at a young age never develop the masculine behaviors of bucks, so they make very docile pets.


Not sure where to put this

We believe firmly in disbudding our goats, so any kid sold off of our farm will be hornless. This is because sometimes goats have to be rehomed, and it's extremely difficult to rehome a goat with horns. In addition, on small farms and even in larger operations, horns no longer serve their natural defensive purpose, and instead pose a significant risk to other animals and people.

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